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Staging and Grading

When your dog is diagnosed with cancer,the grade of the cancer refers to how aggressive it is. The histopathology results will often include a grade. The lower the grade the less aggressive it is. A high grade tumour is expected to grow quickly, invade other areas around the tumour and may spread to other areas within the body.  

The stage of the tumour normally refers to how advanced it is. the number and size of tumours and whether or not they have invaded the rest of the system travellng  to other parts of the body determines this. For most cancers, stage is determined by radiologists using xrays, ultrasound, CT or MRI. An early stage tumour is not far along and has not been found at other sites in the body. A late stage tumour is more advanced.

It is for these reasons it is so important that the relevant pathology is done. The correct treatment has to be given according to the type of cancer, the staging and the grading. Chemotherapy for instance does not normally cause unpleasant side effects in our dogs if administered correctly. The pathology results must be available to the veterinarian, prior to the commencement of any treatment. It will allow the most effective treatment to be given, and prevent the wrong treatment being given but it won’t alter the risk of side effects.

 Veterinary Blood Banks

Did you know Australia has veterinary blood banks?

The blood that is collected is used for our sick pets that might need blood and plasma products. These products can be needed as a result of injury, surgery, poisoning and blood clotting disorders to name a few.

Consider taking your dog to donate blood so the lives of other  dogs can be saved.

Find links to the Australian animal blood banks.