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It is with sadness I an writing this update. Frodo who was my inspiration for the canine cancer website, my inspiration for the fighter he was passed away this morning at the Perth Vet Specialist Emergency Care at 9.20am. He was poisoned by a plant by the name of vinca. He bravely fought for two days on all sorts of fluids and every possible drug/treatment was given to him for the best chance. Fluid went to his lungs and I had no choice but to let him go. There was no chance once this had happened. It has been such a shock to us all as he kept kicking back at all that was thrown at him.

For so many reasons he was a hero to me. When we first met he was a petrified shelter dog who was one of the worse cases of abuse seen at the shelter he was at. It took six weeks of me sitting day in day out talking to myself without looking at him for him to trust me. Once he did the road to the abuse repair was on. He excelled in leaps and bounds. Everyone said he should be put down he would never be any good. I had none of it and together we proved them wrong. My proudest moment was went he did a charity walk and he faced a crowd of 5000 people heading towards us in the opposite direction. Those I was with said how are you going to get Frodo through that. I wasnt sure if he could do it but he trusted me and he marched over the bridge with hundreds of people coming in the oppose direction. Those I were with were stunned. I had only been working with him a couple of months at that stage. He went on to raise thousands of dollars for his rescue buddies sitting shaking a tin at the shows and events all around Perth.

Then On October 3 2009 he was diagnosed with histiocytic sarcoma. One of the worst cancers one can get. I later found out his chances were probably 30 percent. He was cancer free until his passing. During his treatments he never missed a beat. It was business as usual. Fundraising, teaching the pups how to play as he knew the rules of play so well. He was also our mascot for our cancer promos. An event planned for June which he was to attend here in Perth will go on as scheduled in his honor. I hope all of Perth will turn out in honour of Frodo and the cancer message he and I were doing together. I will continue the awareness fight so that more of his mates can have the cancer success he had.

In memory of my precious boy who is now at rest in a special place on behalf of Frodo I ask you all help me to get the cancer message out there. Anyone who has a dog needs to know the information we have on this website. We need to save more dogs from this horrible disease. Dont let Frodos passing from something unrelated to cancer stop us. If everyone knows the website address if they ever face the situation they need information they know where to go.

RIP Frodo I loved you with all my heart and you will never be forgotten

** Taken from our Facebook page

Dedicated to Frodo

The Vinca. Grown worldwide and can be found in many colours